The Games Machine 76
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones.exe
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621 lines
# Jones 3D Cog Script
# SHS_Clock.cog Set the clock for the bellringer to come out.
# [PKM]
# (C) 1999 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. All Rights Reserved
# ========================================================================================
message activated
message startup
message timer
message pulse
message arrived
message callback
message user0
message user1
message user2
message crossed
surface soundon
surface soundoff
thing hourHand
thing minuteHand
thing bellRinger
thing gearTick
thing spokeThing // 12 o'clock
thing spokeThing1 // 1 o'clock
thing spokeThing2 // 2 o'clock
thing spokeThing3 // 3 o'clock
thing spokeThing4 // 4 o'clock
thing spokeThing5 // 5 o'clock
thing spokeThing6 // 6 o'clock
thing spokeThing7 // 7 o'clock
thing spokeThing8 // 8 o'clock
thing spokeThing9 // 9 o'clock
thing spokeThing10 // 10 o'clock
thing spokeThing11 // 11 o'clock
thing spokeSwitch
thing indy
thing indyMark // Mark that Indy gets teleported to when throwing the switch
thing indyMark2 // Mark that Indy gets teleported to after throwing the switch
thing ClockGhost // Ghost object to force clock hand orientation.
thing clockCamera nolink // Camera position for viewing the clock face
thing clockCameraTarget nolink // Moving target to track from Indy to the clock
thing bellRingerCamera nolink // Camera for viewing bellringer
thing bellRingerCamera2 nolink // Camera for viewing bellringer
thing bellRingerCameraTarget nolink // Target for viewing bellringer
thing bellRingerCameraTarget2 nolink // Target for viewing bellringer second time
thing player local
thing currentCamera local
thing indyTeleportGhost local
cog hintCog # Update Hint cog
cog movieCog // COG that controls the switch to start moving the bellringer.
cog NoWorkTalkcog # clock not powered
keyframe indyPull=in_pull_lever_down.key local
keyframe leverDown=gen_lever.key local
keyframe bellRingerSpin=0ri_roll_fwd_nowheels.key local
keyframe gear_tick_k
sound leverPull=nub_lever_pull_c.wav local
sound leverBack=nub_lever_reset_c.wav local
sound minute_sound=shs_ticking.wav local
sound hour_sound=shs_clockhand.wav local
sound bellringer_start=shs_bringer_start.wav local
sound bellringer_spin=shs_bringer_spin.wav local
sound spoke_move=shs_clock_tab.wav local
sound music=mus_gen_magic1.wav local
sound gearTicking=shs_gear_clunk2.wav local
vector cameraPosition local
vector minuteHandYaw local // Vector for computing new orientation of minute hand.
vector indyTeleportOffset local // Vector for offset of Indy's teleport position.
vector indyTeleportPos local // Vector for final position to teleport Indy to.
vector indyOrient local
vector indyTeleportOrient local
template ghostTemplate=ghost local
int spokeIndex=-1 local
int minuteHandIndex local // Start position of the minute hand in minutes - must match placement of 3DO in world.
int hourHandIndex local // Start position of the hour hand in hours - must match placement of 3DO in the world.
int clockIsPowered local // This should be set to 1 after we receive the appropriate message.
int bellRingerSpinning local // Whether the bellringer is currently spinning.
int leverPullCount local // Whether the lever has been pulled yet.
int cutsceneGoing local // Whether ot not a cutscene is currently playing.
int spinTrack local // Keyframe track of the bellringer spinning.
int stopBellRingerOnCallback local // Indicates to the callback message that the bellringer needs to stop.
int waitForHourHand local // Set to 0 by the arrived message when the hour hand reaches its mark.
int minuteCountdown local // Number of seconds left in current spoke movement mini-cutscene
int bBellRingerShowing local // Whether camera is currently showing bellringer
int spinLoop local // loop of spinning
int gearLoop local // loop of ticking
int gearTick_track local // loop of anim
int canHear=0 local // clock sounds in range
flex minuteTime=1.0; local // One minute of real time equals this number of seconds.
flex minuteRotateTime=0.25; local // The minute hand takes this many of seconds to get to its next position.
flex hourRotateTime=0.5; local // The hour hand takes this many seconds to get to its next position.
flex spokeMoveSpeed=1.0; local // Spokes move this fast when going to their new positions.
flex bellRingerCameraMoveSpeed=0.3 local // Speed at which the bell ringer camera moves.
flex bellRingerCameraTargetMoveSpeed=0.19 local // Speed at which the bell ringer camera target moves.
flex startbellringer local
flex stopbellringer local
flex pulllever local
flex clockCutscene local
# ========================================================================================
spokeIndex = -1; // -1 means the spokes have never been moved.
minuteHandIndex = 10; // This needs to be set one minute behind the actual placement of the 3DO
hourHandIndex = 10; // Current position of the hour hand. The hands are placed in the level at 10:00 and 2:00.
bellRingerSpinning = 0;
leverPullCount = 0;
cutsceneGoing = 0;
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 0;
waitForHourHand = 0;
bBellRingerShowing = 0;
// clockIsPowered = 1;
// SetPulse(minuteTime); // This should actually happen after we get the clock powered message.
ClearThingFlags(bellringer, 0x80000); # reveal the bellringer
AISetMode(bellringer, 0x2000); # reveal the bellringer
SetThingMass(bellRinger, 0);
spinTrack = PlayKey(bellRinger, bellRingerSpin, 4, 0x10, 0);
PauseKey(bellRinger, spinTrack);
SetThingLight(gearTick, '0.2 0.2 0.2', 0.01, 0.01);
SetThingLight(bellRinger, '0.1 0.1 0.1', 0.01, 0.01);
# ...................................................................
# handles no power activation - JC
if ((clockIsPowered == 0) && (GetSenderRef() == spokeSwitch))
call pullLever;
SendMessageEx(NoWorkTalkCog, user1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
global15 = 0; # per Randy
while (global15 == 0)
Sleep(0.01); # wait for line to finish
# cleanup
cameraPosition = GetThingPos(clockCamera);
SetCameraPosition(1, cameraPosition); # prep to swing back to follow-cam
CopyOrientAndPos(indy, player); # move player to actor's spot
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x80000); # hide actor
ClearThingFlags(player, 0x80000); # player visible
ClearActorFlags(player, 0x200000); # player in control
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt mode
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode
ResetCameraFOV(0, 0.0); # reset camera 2 to default
if (clockIsPowered && !cutsceneGoing && (GetSenderRef() == spokeSwitch))
currentCamera = GetCurrentCamera(); // Save off the current camera for later
if (leverPullCount > 0)
cutsceneGoing = 1;
call pullLever; // Show Indy pulling the lever
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); // Kill pan & tilt mode
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); // Kill dolly mode
SetCameraFocus(2, clockCamera);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, clockCameraTarget); // Show the clock face while the spokes move.
SetCameraFOV(55, 1, 0.01);
if (spokeIndex < 0)
spokeIndex = hourHandIndex; // No spoke is currently out - synch it to the hour hand.
MoveToFrame(spokeThing[spokeIndex], 0, spokeMoveSpeed); // Move current spoke back to former position.
spokeIndex = (spokeIndex + 1) % 12; // Move the spoke one tick clockwise.
MoveToFrame(spokeThing[spokeIndex], 1, spokeMoveSpeed); // Move new spoke out to new position.
PlaySoundLocal(spoke_move, 1.0, 0, 0x0000, 0);
minuteCountdown = 3; // The minute hand decrements this variable. When it reaches 0, stop the cutscene.
while (minuteCountdown)
if (spokeIndex == hourHandIndex)
// If the player has just moved the spoke onto the hour hand, show the bellringer - briefly.
# Prep camera & cut...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt to lock on 2nd target
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode too
SetCameraFocus(2, bellRingerCamera2);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, bellRingerCameraTarget2);
SetCameraFOV(50, 0, 0.0);
SetCameraFOV(45, 1, 3.0);
call clockCutscene;
// We're currently showing a cutscene, either of the clock face or of Indy, so get things back to normal.
cutsceneGoing = 0;
cameraPosition = GetThingPos(clockCamera);
SetCameraPosition(1, cameraPosition); # prep to swing back to follow-cam
CopyOrientAndPos(indy, player); # move player to actor's spot
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x80000); # hide actor
ClearThingFlags(player, 0x80000); # player visible
ClearActorFlags(player, 0x200000); # player in control
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt mode
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode
if (leverPullCount)
TeleportThing(player, indyMark2); // Get the player lined up with the switch better.
TeleportThing(player, indyTeleportGhost); // Put the player over by the edge of the platform.
SetThingLVecPYR(player, indyTeleportOrient);
leverPullCount = 1;
ResetCameraFOV(0, 0.0);
if (spokeIndex != hourHandIndex)
// The current spoke is not next to the hour hand - stop the bellringer.
if (bellRingerSpinning)
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 1;
// call stopBellRinger;
# ...................................................................
call pulse;
Rotate(minuteHand, 6, 1, minuteRotateTime); // Advance minuteHand 6 degrees (which is one minute)
minuteHandIndex = (minuteHandIndex + 1) % 60; // Keep track of minutes (0 to 59 inclusive).
# Check whether cutscene is happening. Play minute sound.
if ((cutsceneGoing == 0) || (bBellRingerShowing == 1))
if (canHear == 1)
PlaySoundThing(minute_sound, minuteHand, 1, 5, 20, 0x80);
PlaySoundLocal(minute_sound, .5, 0, 0x0000, 0);
if (minuteCountdown > 0)
minuteCountdown = minuteCountdown - 1;
if (minuteHandIndex == 0)
if (spokeIndex == hourHandIndex)
if (bellRingerSpinning)
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 1;
// call stopBellRinger; // The hour hand is about to move away from the correct spoke - stop the bellringer.
if (hourHandIndex == spokeIndex)
// We're about to move the hour hand off the spoke, so retract the spoke.
MoveToFrame(spokeThing[spokeIndex], 0, spokeMoveSpeed);
spokeIndex = -1;
Rotate(hourHand, 30, 1, hourRotateTime); // Advance hour hand 30 degrees
hourHandIndex = (hourHandIndex + 1) % 12; // Keep track of hours (0 to 11 inclusive).
if ((cutsceneGoing == 0) || (bBellRingerShowing == 1))
if (canHear == 1)
PlaySoundThing(hour_sound, hourHand, 1, 5, 18, 0x80);
PlaySoundLocal(hour_sound, .5, 0, 0x0000, 0);
# ...................................................................
if (cutsceneGoing == 2) // If we're showing the big clock/bellringer cutscene, don't mess with the bellringer.
if (GetSenderRef() == hourHand)
waitForHourHand = 0; // Make sure the cutscene knows the hour hand has arrived.
if ((GetSenderRef() == hourHand) || (GetSenderRef() == spokeThing[spokeIndex]))
if (hourHandIndex == 0)
CopyOrient(ClockGhost, hourHand);
// The hour hand or a spoke has finished moving - check to see if we need to start the bellringer.
if (spokeIndex == hourHandIndex)
// The hour hand has just run into the correct spoke - start the bellringer.
call startBellRinger;
if (minuteHandIndex == 0)
CopyOrient(ClockGhost, minuteHand);
# ...................................................................
if (GetSenderRef() == soundOn)
canHear = 1;
if (GetSenderRef() == soundOff)
canHear = 0;
# ...................................................................
// This is the first time the player has pulled the lever - let's do a fancy cutscene to demonstrate what the lever does.
cutsceneGoing = 2;
SetPulse(0); // Temporarily halt our pulse messages while we tweak the clock a bit.
spokeIndex = (hourHandIndex + 1) % 12; // Make the first spoke to move be just past the hour hand.
StopThing(minuteHand); // If the minute hand is rotating, stop it.
minuteHandYaw = VectorSet(0.0, -24.0, 0.0); // Yaw is in world coords. 0 degrees == 9 o'clock, -30 == 10 o'clock
RotateToPyr(minuteHand, minuteHandYaw, 0.01); // Force the minute hand to the right position.
minuteHandIndex = 49; // NOTE: Make sure this matches the orientation specified in minuteHandYaw!!!
SetPulse(minuteTime); // Start the clock again.
call pullLever; // Show the player pulling the lever.
indyTeleportOffset = VectorTransformToOrient(indy, '0.0 -0.2 0.0');
indyTeleportPos = VectorAdd(indyTeleportOffset, GetThingPos(indy));
indyOrient = GetThingLVecPYR(indy);
indyTeleportOrient = VectorSet(VectorX(indyOrient), (VectorY(indyOrient) + 180) % 360, VectorZ(indyOrient));
indyTeleportGhost = CreateThingAtPos(ghostTemplate,
FindNewSectorFromThing(indy, indyTeleportPos),
indyTeleportPos, '0 0 0');
SetThingMaxRotVel(indy, 50);
AISetLookThingEyeLevel(indy, indyTeleportGhost);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1); # enable pan & tilt
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 5.0); # magic numbers
SetCameraFocus(2, clockCamera);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, clockCameraTarget);
SetCameraFOV(55, 1, 5.0); # match duration of camera move
MoveToFrame(ClockCameraTarget, 1, 2.2); # magic numbers
Sleep(4.5); // Wait for camera interp & FOV change to finish
waitForHourHand = 1; // We need to wait for the hour hand to get to the next tick before we proceed.
MoveToFrame(spokeThing[spokeIndex], 1, spokeMoveSpeed); // Move new spoke out to new position.
PlaySoundLocal(spoke_move, 1.0, 0, 0x0000, 0);
while (waitForHourHand == 1) // The arrived message will tell us when the hour hand is in place.
call stopBellRinger;
// Now cut to the bellringer.
bBellRingerShowing = 1;
# Prep camera & cut...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt to lock on 2nd target
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode too
SetCameraFocus(2, bellRingerCamera);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, bellRingerCameraTarget);
SetCameraFOV(90, 0, 0.0);
# play music
PlaySoundLocal(music, 1.0, 0, 0x0000, 0);
MoveToFrame(bellRingerCamera, 1, bellRingerCameraMoveSpeed); // Dolly us in a bit.
MoveToFrame(bellRingerCameraTarget, 1, bellRingerCameraTargetMoveSpeed);
SetCameraFOV(50, 0, 6.0);
PlaySoundLocal(bellringer_start, 1.0, 0, 0x0, 0);
ResumeKey(bellRinger, spinTrack); // Start the bellringer spinning.
spinLoop=PlaySoundLocal(bellringer_spin, 1.0, 0, 0x0001, 0);
Sleep(6.0); // Wait a bit while we dolly & zoom in.
// Time for some more trickery - we're going to pretend that a full minute has gone by and show the player what happens
// when the hour hand moves off the spoke.
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 1; // Tell the endanim callback to stop the bell ringer.
while (stopBellRingerOnCallback == 1) // Wait for the animation callback to tell us we're stopped.
Sleep(1.0); // Allow the player time to contemplate the fact that he's stopped.
StopThing(minuteHand); // If the minute hand is rotating, stop it.
minuteHandYaw = VectorSet(0.0, -84.0, 0.0); // Yaw is in world coords. 0 degrees == 9 o'clock, -30 == 10 o'clock.
RotateToPyr(minuteHand, minuteHandYaw, 0.001); // Force the minute hand to the right position.
minuteHandIndex = 59; // NOTE: Make sure this matches the orientation specified in minuteHandYaw!!!
Sleep(0.001); // Give the minute hand time to get where it's going.
SetTimer(0.1); // Start the clock again.
bBellRingerShowing = 0;
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt to lock on 2nd target
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode too
SetCameraFocus(2, clockCamera);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, clockCameraTarget);
SetCameraFOV(55, 0, 0.01);
minuteCountdown = 2; // The minute hand decrements this variable. When it reaches 0, stop the cutscene.
while (minuteCountdown)
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 0;
if (bellRingerSpinning == 0)
PlaySoundThing(bellringer_start, bellringer, 1, 3, 10, 0x80);
ResumeKey(bellRinger, spinTrack); // Start the bellringer spinning.
spinLoop=PlaySoundThing(bellringer_spin, bellringer, 1, 3, 10, 0x81);
bellRingerSpinning = 1;
SendMessage(movieCog, user1); // Send the bell cog a user1 message to let it know we're spinning.
SendMessage(hintCog, user1); # Same as above, except to hint cog.
# ...................................................................
if (bellRingerSpinning == 1)
PauseKey(bellRinger, spinTrack);
StopSound(spinLoop, 0.0);
bellRingerSpinning = 0;
SendMessage(movieCog, user0); // Send the bell cog a user0 message to let it know we've stopped.
SendMessage(hintCog, user0); # same as above, except to hint cog
player = GetLocalPlayerThing();
# Prep for cutscene...
currentCamera = GetCurrentCamera();
# Disable and hide player...
StopThing(player); # right now
PlayMode(player, 1, 0); # get him into a nice stand
DeselectWeapon(player); # stow any weapon or lighter
CopyPlayerHolsters(player, indy); # make sure our actor has matching props
Sleep(0.5); # give him some time to do his stuff
# Switch actor indy for player...
TeleportThing(indy, indyMark);
SetThingFlags(player, 0x80000); # hide him
SetActorFlags(player, 0x200000); # paralyze him
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x80000); # reveal our actor
# Prep camera & cut...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # kill pan & tilt to lock on 2nd target
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # kill dolly mode too
SetCameraFocus(2, clockCamera);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, indyMark);
SetCameraFOV(35, 0, 0.01); # was 50
PlayKey(spokeSwitch, leverDown, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayKey(indy, indyPull, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlaySoundLocal(leverPull, 1.0, 0, 0x0000, 0);
PlaySoundLocal(leverBack, 1.0, 0, 0x0000, 0);
// We've reached the end of the bellringer spin animation. Check to see if we need to stop him.
if (stopBellRingerOnCallback == 1)
StopThing(bellRingerCamera); // Stop the camera.
StopThing(bellRingerCameraTarget); // And the camera target.
PauseKey(bellRinger, spinTrack); // Now stop the bellringer.
StopSound(spinLoop, 0.0);
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 0;
bellRingerSpinning = 0;
// We're being told that the clock is no longer powered.
clockIsPowered = 0;
if (bellRingerSpinning)
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 1;
// call stopBellRinger;
StopKey(gearTick, gearTick_track, 0);
StopSound(gearLoop, 0.0);
// We're being told that the clock is now powered, so start things up!
clockIsPowered = 1;
if (spokeIndex == hourHandIndex)
call startBellRinger;
gearTick_track=PlayKey(gearTick, gear_tick_k, 4, 0x10, 0);
gearLoop=PlaySoundThing(gearTicking, gearTick, 1, 2, 8, 0x81);
// We're being told to stop the bellringer from spinning.
StopKey(bellRinger, spinTrack, 0);
spinTrack = PlayKey(bellRinger, bellRingerSpin, 4, 0x10, 0);
PauseKey(bellRinger, spinTrack);
StopSound(spinloop, 0.0);
bellRingerSpinning = 0;
stopBellRingerOnCallback = 0;
SendMessage(movieCog, user0); // Send the bell cog a user0 message to let it know we've stopped.
SendMessage(hintCog, user0); # same as above, except to hint cog
MoveToFrame(spokeThing[spokeIndex], 0, spokeMoveSpeed);
spokeIndex = -1;